Manic Monday
I didn't sleep well at all last night. I was super-tired from a long day (well, weekend, actually) of trying to make the family's Easter extraordinary. Normally, I fall asleep within minutes of turning out the light. I'm generally a good sleeper. But not last night.
Most of it was my on-going trauma with one of my friends. We finally started talking things out yesterday (I'm so not used to this kind of drama!), but things are still a little shaky. Crap. If I had to guess, I'd doubt he's losing sleep over the situation. But I hate discord. I want to do my part to make everything sunshine and rainbows for the people I love. Blech. My best advice: Don't kiss your best friend. It leads to trouble, and you'll be dealing with it LONG after your fun little experiment.
Also keeping me from getting the required beauty sleep: a new minor obsession. At this point, it's not likely safe to talk about, but suffice it to say I was tossing and turning for ages.
To make up for the lack of candor above, I will share something equally incriminating and strange: When I finally did fall asleep, I had a terrible nightmare. I was at the Morrissey concert (this Wednesday!!!! Woo-hoo!) and I'd forgotten my copy of "New York Doll" for him to autograph. What's more, I'd been in line for the bathroom, and someone suggested I just go in the Men's Room because there wasn't a line. Somehow, I got locked in, and missed the whole concert! When I finally busted out, the only people in the whole place were some folks passed out from a night of hard-partying, and some really angry men who'd been waiting in line for ages. I truly hope this is not an omen. In my dream I did manage to serenade Morrissey with "Please, please, please, Let Me Get What I Want," but he was also old and looked kinda like Brad Pitt in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." Anyway, I think I'm gonna go to the concert and hope for the best.
Anyway, tired as I am, I've gotta push through-- there are bills to pay and invoices to write. I've gotta help my mom clean house and I've got a million things to do this week-- not only with various and sundry church responsibilities, but also in preparation for a much-anticipated visit from my old college chum Kimball and her husband, Chris. I love company, but I'm pooped!
Oh, one other thing: Got an email from Sam's Club Hottie's Cousin-- he said he never gave A the tickets. A wants to get together, the email said. Yeah, well, we'll see what develops. I don't particularly care one way or the other. I've gotta deal with everything else first.
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