Thursday, March 16, 2006

Greetings from the Land of Enchantment

I'm here. In New Mexico. I love this place. Is it crazy? Yes. But it's home.
In the airport last night a couple of ladies in the bathroom didn't wash their hands and I thought they were disgusting. Driving downtown by the convention center there was a poor man totally stoned out of his mind doing a crazy dance crossing the street in front of our car. In my town there are people named "Junior" (not Alonzo, Jr.-- just Junior) and guys named "Shorty" who run for office. Like I said, it's different.
Things are great on the trip. Of course, the convention begins tomorrow and I'm kind of falling asleep thinking about it EXCEPT that I'm looking forward to checking out the building materials, contractors, etc. in case I decide to be a grown up and build myself a place if I move down here. And if the foreign service doesn't work out, then it's a possibility. Can you believe it? New Mexico permanently? It's a trip.
Of course, I'm looking forward to getting back to Utah for a few more adventures yet. I've decided to take golf lessons in April and I met a lady on the plane who is setting me up on a date with her boss (we're going out next week). And of course, there's the upcoming Corporate Awards Banquet. No, I still don't know who I'm going with. For some reason I haven't been able to access my work email from here, and so I don't know what EC has to say. Yikes.
If you pray, please pray EC goes out with me. He's wonderful and I love him. If you don't pray, please send your good vibes my way.
Happy St. Patrick's Day tomorrow, and in the proud tradition of another part of my opressed heritage, here's an old Irish toast to ya--
"May you have half an hour in heaven before the devil knows you're dead."


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