Monday, November 13, 2006

Nobody puts Baby in a corner

I just got off the phone with one of my favorite college roommates. Today she'd sent me a package in the mail to celebrate my half birthday. Yep, I'm now more than half-way through the year. I'm practically 26. I'm old. I didn't realize it was my halfers-day. But I'm happy. With age comes experience, and maybe a little wisdom, if you're lucky. I'm lucky.
Amber, the former roommate, sent me a copy of "Dirty Dancing" on DVD. Maybe this is because I go out clubbing now?
And I also feel I should mention the fact that I've been seeing this nice guy recently (not exclusively, but frequently), and I just found out that he's got a bit of a strange hobby: He makes bull whips for fun. I'm not even joking. Ouch.
The only thing really weighing down on my mind these days is a little concern for a friend. In fact, it's pretty distracting. I want to help, but my hands are tied. I think I've just had my first glimpse into what parenting must be like. I can see him going down this path that seems like it will only lead to unhappiness, but I'm not in a position to sit down with him and suggest a course-correction. It's not really my place, and I don't think he'd listen. I feel kind of helpless on this count because I want nothing but his happiness, but it doesn't look like that's on its way for him. I hope I'm wrong.
The whole situation is driving me a bit crazy, but as it seems there's not much I can do at the moment, I guess I'll have to concentrate on the positive things in my life. I just don't know yet if bull whips fall into that category. ;)


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