Wednesday, April 30, 2008

If I can't be a lover, at least I can be a mother

... To a lamb, of course. Don't worry. I'm still not the the point that I actually think out-of-wedlock babies in my life are a good idea. Not that I think I ever will. Anyway...
Yesterday one of our sheep had a baby. I was a little worried about her, so I stayed pretty close through her labor. I wasn't exactly doing Lamaze here, but I was praying for the safe delivery of the lamb. Well, the baby came out healthy and strong, but for whatever reason the sheep rejected it. I don't know why they do that sometimes-- it's heartbreaking.
So, what does this all mean in my life? It looks like I'll be taking care of Tiny Tim (he's so frail right now because he hasn't been able to eat). I gave him a bottle a bit ago, but he doesn't really know what to do with it yet. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before he gets the hang of it.
At least he has a very proud godfather. Our rooster, Esteban, crowed very proudly all through Tim's birth.
In other news, I guess I'm not going to the ballet with Aaron this weekend, but again, props to him for canceling our date early enough that I can make other plans. Aaron is a considerate soul.
Some of the other men in my life leave quite a bit to be desired-- particularly the ones who aren't really even securely IN yet. Last night, I had two very humorous conversations with fellas who seem to think I'm jonesin' for 'em. One is a guy I've known for a bit. He called to ask me to do something, but I already had plans. I told him I'd love it if he'd ask me again, but instead he went out of his way to tell me how it wouldn't have been a date, etc., etc. I don't know why he got all worked up, but no biggie. The other funny thing was when this dude told me that he wasn't coming to a party, and thought I was going to be really disappointed. Ha! Whatever. Does he even know who he's dealing with? Tee hee hee.


At May 9, 2008 at 7:40 AM , Blogger Shanny said...

What!?!?! You're thinking of having a baby out of wedlock!?!?! RACHEL SEGO! JK. Rachel it's me, Sean Reed! This comment might come up as Shannon (my wife), but it's really me! Thanks to blogs, Kari Ward viewed a mutual friend's blog where she found my name, then viewed our blog and posted a comment last night, so I viewed theirs and posted a comment in return & while doing so... tada!... I saw the link to yours! It's great! But you are quite the blogger! I don't know if I want you to see mine anymore. It's so meager. I must tell you we don't update it all the time like some, but we get the important stuff up there. Oh yeah, just remembered you should definitely take a look. Got some stuff you'll want to see!!! Do you still have the same number? We need to catch up. Hope Las Cruces has been treating you well!

- Sean Reed


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