Tuesday, November 4, 2008

But most of all, very powerful

It was an aftershock.
This weekend, I had a mini-meltdown, but boy, did I bounce back.
On Saturday, I got some news that I found a little troubling, and the next thing I knew, I was in a panic. I hated feeling so weak, but I called a friend and talked it out with him. I never wanted this particular pal to know what a messed up little girl I am, but it literally saved me. We talked about how you can't really love someone unless you are willing to be vulnerable to hurt. I didn't get hurt. I got comfort. A half hour conversation with my friend, with his reassurances that he cared about what I had to say and wasn't going to ditch me changed my evening. I finally felt at peace. It's like a scab. The second time the wound opens, it's not quite as bad. I kept trying to just cover it all up with bandaids. The pain was my peroxide and my friends are the salve. I didn't want to clean out the wounds, but there's something powerful in someone kissing you to make it better. Metaphorical kisses are every bit as powerful as the real thing.
Of course... the real thing is pretty nice too. And in an unrelated vein, I think the real thing might be helping me along as well. And the prospect of the real thing is enough to make me feel alive again. Thank heavens for a week of social bliss.
Kissing and telling aside, I think there's another thing that's making me feel better. I had a bit of a reality check Sunday. I'd had a REALLY nice day. Church was so uplifting, and it was a day when the messages seemed particularly meant for me. But I am foolish and vain, so even though I heard good things I could put into practice, the real blessing was getting a glimpse of how much I'm lacking in other areas. I don't really know how it is that I can be so nice and happy in one moment and then turn around and be vicious the next... so I apologized. And I'm trying to be better. I wanna be like Job-- not the baldness and family leaving me and affliction after affliction-- but I want to stare my little trials (and the big ones too) in the face and say, "That's ok. I'm taking the high road." I want to come out a winner instead of a sinner, ya know?


At November 4, 2008 at 1:28 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Just like good ol' Sev said on sunday, "Fear knocked on the door, Faith answered. No one was there"

Though I do believe that not always is it fear that knocks on our doors....


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