Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hey Girl, Where you at?

So, yes, I've been missing from the blogosphere... again.
My good friend T pointed out that she's been checking my blog every day for the last two weeks, waiting for my brilliance (actually, that's not what she said, but I think she'd appreciate the embellishment).
I've been caught up doing STUFF.
You know, those things that end up taking your time away from throwing out communication to the universe? Like work. And going to the gym. And, oddly enough, quilting.
But first and foremost, I ought to mention that we lost our little dog, Molly, a couple of weeks ago. She was nearly 15, totally deaf, mostly blind, crippled, and severely smelly. She'd had a long, loving life.
Mumsy has had a particularly hard time adjusting, but it's definitely for the best. We miss our little Rumple Face (honestly, that dog had more nicknames than most adorable children!) but no one is looking to get another pup. Ever. Well, maybe someday for Mom, but I think if I end up with a pet it should be a peacock. Not as cuddly, but it would fit well with my love of Art Nouveau.
In other important news, this weekend I plan to attend Moustachio Bashio at the El Rey.

At one point, I thought I'd run another cheeky contest, but then with the death in the family, things got busy. I'll come up with one soon. Meantime, check out my old pal Drew Danburry for some inspiration: http://www.thedailybeard.net/.
I'm afraid this is all. I've read several great design books recently, and gearing up for a new creative endeavor (more to come on this) and I spend any spare time I have working on the most frustrating blanket known to man. It'll be gypsy-chic, but right now it's just a thorn in my side. Must. Complete. Project. My living room demands to be freed from the oppression of antique trim resting on every surface.
More soon. As in very. As in for reals. Pip-pip!


At March 22, 2011 at 11:53 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

yay for a post! looking at when i last posted it looks like i am due to write one as well! =P

Love you lots!!!! Can't wait to see your quilt!

At March 22, 2011 at 2:11 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Tell your friend to use a blog aggregator so she doesn't have to keep coming by to check if there's new content.

At March 25, 2011 at 9:45 AM , Blogger Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

You crack me up Rachel! Ha ha ha ha ha! I sure needed it! Sorry about your pooch. I should haul my moustachiod man to that concert! Thanks! xxJ

At March 25, 2011 at 12:31 PM , Blogger Love from T. said...

Thanks dear.



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