Monday, December 27, 2010

A Little Rachel

A smaller Rachel, that is. By about 7 lbs. But not because I've been reading "Body for Life" or doing P90X or all the great things you guys do. Nope, if you're wondering where I've been for about a month, the answer is sick. The jeans are fitting better these days, but I don't recommend doing it this way. On the bright side, it's a head-start to another new year's resolution, so take that, haters! I'll let you know when I can eat something besides Popsicles.
In other news, none of my boyfriends like one another, which has made for an interesting few weeks. Can't really elaborate, but you can imagine.
More blogging soon, I promise. I'm off to get another no-sugar-added Popsicle.


At December 27, 2010 at 10:24 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Great Post. another seldom-used weight-loss option is to cut off a limb or two. It's effective, but often comes with undesirable quality-of-life impacts.

At December 27, 2010 at 10:26 AM , Blogger Sokphal said...

I hope you feel better!!!


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