Monday, September 8, 2008


Anyone who thinks I don't censor myself would be quite surprised. I just deleted a paragraph of tirade. It wasn't so much to protect the object of my disdain (who, by the way, is someone in my life who falls into the category of "Wow, I really dodged a bullet by not marrying that one"-- and also, so there isn't any confusion, is someone from the distant past, lest there are any assumptions or misunderstandings that my goodwill toward the current people in my sphere of friendship has somehow been tarnished or lessened), but more to not prove him right by using my little forum as a platform for verbal assault. Wow. If you can actually hear my voice as you just read that run-on, you'll know again that I was way too influenced by the fast-paced, sometimes nonsensical dialogue on "Gilmore Girls."
I have some good things to report. Call them happiness droplets. Call them tender mercies. Call them whatever you like, it doesn't matter. I'm smiling more often than not these days, and it feels good.
This weekend, Terry and Meilea came up for a visit. I hardly got to spend any time at all with them, but they are so wonderful. Mel brought me the most amazing flowers-- I ought to take a picture and post it here. Take note, o boyfriends current and future: I love all flowers! Want to get in my good graces? Have a social cause and wear Chuck Taylors. But if you don't have time for that, or you just want to give yourself the extra edge, send flowers. Look up my work address online and have them delivered to my office. I love all flowers, except red roses. Those basically say, "I have no imagination whatsoever." Mel gave me a wonderful arrangement of sunflowers and snap dragons. It was PERFECT. Every time I see them, I think about what wonderful people Mel and Terry are, and how grateful I am to have them in my life.
Another thing to be happy about: As many of you know, my little sis is getting married in a few months. I'm stoked about it. I love my future brother-in-law and I'm sure they'll have a great life together. And I don't want to jump the gun and make any announcements on their behalf, but let's just say that they've changed their minds about a few of their wedding details and I couldn't be happier. Plus, sister seems to be coming off her recent Bridezilla episode and has returned to the lovely girl I know well. We may go get her veil today.
Another thing that made me laugh recently: Remember that guy who came over to my house and berated my hometown (among other things)? He called on Saturday night and wants me to go with him looking for houses in Los Lunas! I'm going to do it, of course, because even though he treated me like Ghent #2 at the time, I am willing to offer an olive-branch of friendship. But you can bet I won't be making him any more of those light-my-mom's-house-on-fire brownies to welcome him to the neighborhood.
Speaking of olive branches, I sent an olive tree to Las Cruces this weekend. I hope it gets planted and grows. I don't have much of a green thumb, but I'm trying to cultivate that talent.
Finally, tonight I'm going to the State Fair. Ashley and Robert went and saw the world's smallest woman (aka The Little Lady from Haiti). Sister said she felt bad paying a dollar to look at someone just because she is 2'4". It does seem sad, but sometimes I wish I were a carni. I guess I'll content myself with seeking out the Polish boys at the photo booths and eating a snow cone.


At September 8, 2008 at 11:29 AM , Blogger Lou said...

i hate the way rachel ray says evoo extra virgin olive oil all the time. once you say evoo, extra virgin olive oil for the rest of that half hour/episode you are fine to keep it to evoo! boo!
just my thought on the matter!

At September 8, 2008 at 8:11 PM , Blogger Grant said...

Haha, now every boy who reads your blog thinks you just deleted a paragraph about him. I mean distant past, that must mean me, right?

What, you don't like my tarantulas? :)


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