Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lady and the Tramp Art

I'm magnetized. I'm riveted. I'm in motion and powerful and creating buzz. At least in my own life, if not in the lives of others. But I feel the energy.
One thing I'm looking forward to is the much-anticipated release of a film based on my all-time favorite book series. And no, I'm not talking about "Twilight," though you can bet I'll be standing in line with all the women of America to see it opening night. I don't know why I didn't know about it before, but coming soon (not soon enough, actually) to a theatre near you:

Yes, folks. That's right. Georgia Nicolson is hitting the big screen. It's already been released in the UK and though there's not an exact release date for us Yanks just yet, I know it's coming. Of course, by the time it does hit theatres, I'll be nearly 28-- twice the age of Georgia's character, but what do I care? And for the record, I'm so on team Dave the Laugh. Robbie is passable. Massimo is ridiculous.
OK, now, on to things that actually mean something to those of you not obsessed as I am with Brit Teen Lit.
I have a new project. I know that I don't have time to do this, but I simply don't care. I'm already mentally on board, so there's really no stopping me. My little sister, as you know, is in cosmetology school. One of her upcoming requirements is to do hair and makeup for a model in this charity fashion show where all the models wear things made out of trash. Pretty cool, right? Well, apparently Ashley and the other students are supposed to DRESS their models as well... as in make their clothes. They don't get any credit for it, nor do they get any budget for materials. Ash is kind of limited on time (not that I'm just lounging around all day), so I think I'm going to make the outfit for the girl. I'm stoked. I only have a few days to do it. Actually, I may only have time tonight, as I'm rather full up with activity for the rest of the week. I've got a few ideas for some kick-a, punk-inspired stuff (I have this book that shows you how to make a dress out of old t-shirts, though that may be even a little more labor-intensive than I'd planned on), and I've got this vision of using old shopping bags and soda cans for all the ditzing and glamorizing. Just call me Stella McCartney. Well, definitely not. This may turn out to be a disaster, but what do I have to lose except some old thrift store t-shirts and a couple hours of my time, right? Even though it's not even my project, I'm stoked that it combines several things I love: fashion, do-it-yourself, and re-purposing old trash into new treasure. So wish me luck. I have to work on this between mowing the lawn and going to the gym tonight. I'd love a nap, but if my college days were any indication, I work better on adrenaline anyway.


At September 12, 2008 at 12:13 PM , Blogger Sokphal said...

Trash fash! I love it! Take pictures please! And OMG--I can't believe it was made into a movie! That's awesome. We need to see it together--when are you coming over to the East Coast?


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