Thursday, September 18, 2008

On my way to Political Extremism

My crazy story for the day: I was talking to the company's insurance provider and they said, "Hey, you're not on our schedule of drivers" so I gave the lady my D.O.B. and license #, telling her not to worry, that I've only had one ticket in my life. So she calls me this afternoon and tells me that I'm actually driving on a suspended license! Can you believe it? Apparently what happened is that when I got a citation a year ago for a burnt-out light over my license plate (and how would I ever know about that? It's not like I'm ever following my own car!), the people at the police department failed to file my dismissal after I got it fixed. The thing that galls me is that it happened in this little speed trap of a town where they literally pull you over for ANYTHING to make ticket quota. That same police department issued me a summons a year ago when they didn't file a different dismissal (these citations often come when I go through the sobriety checkpoints on any given weekend... I'm never drinking, but they'll be happy to pull me over and give me a written warning for the crack in my windshield that's not obstructing my vision!). So now I have to go to the MVD, and the only people dumber than the Bosque Farms Police clerical staff are those who work for the motor vehicle division. Ugh. I'm so mad! Can you tell? It's just a matter of time before I start getting really militant and slap one of those "Less Government, More Freedom" bumper stickers on my minivan and join the NRA.


At September 18, 2008 at 4:40 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Oh yes. good post. i like it. Ron Paul, woot woot.

At September 21, 2008 at 12:59 PM , Blogger Grant said...

Excellent. You and me can start up a militia in the woods somewhere. We'll live off the grid.

BTW you don't get tickets if you ride your bike everywhere.

Or if you just stay home and watch movies all the time....



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