In an effort to bump up my Street Cred
Number one, I need a better camera. Possibly. Actually, I need to learn how to take pictures like my friend Grant. He and his wife Ashley get the most beautiful shots of their daughter-- they work to get lighting right, etc. Grant has devoted a lot of time to learning how to use their fancy-pants camera. Me? No time. No money. No real desire. Until I try to post things and everyone's like, "Hey, what was that blob of darkness supposed to be?" In this case, it's Zoey, traumatized from her run-in with the Easter Bunny moments before. I got her to put on the ears, but she just doesn't trust a 6' rabbit. I guess having her watch "Harvey" someday is not really going to work out (unless it's the actual bunny, and not the concept that scares her... hmm).
But yes, I was talking about how cool I am. I'm tough. It's not all antique stores and tea parties for me (though yesterday was the bomb and I got a really great deal on an antique bed)-- no sir. I'm hardcore. I went to the Morrissey concert. All by Myself. And guess what? It was totally worth it!
Oh, Moz, you're such a star! (Even though you are old, and puffed-up [meaning prideful, and not a reference to him looking a little swollen, though the double-meaning does not seem inappropriate] and more than a little weird)
Oh, Moz, you're such a star! (Even though you are old, and puffed-up [meaning prideful, and not a reference to him looking a little swollen, though the double-meaning does not seem inappropriate] and more than a little weird)
So anyway, back to Morrissey.
The show was really good, even with the very smelly girl standing in front of me (it wasn't an unwashed, B.O. smell, or a "I just smoked something illegal smell." Just kind of nasty sweet in the same way old Lance Romance and Judge used to smell-- the kind of scent that makes me think, I couldn't really be around you for a long period of time because I think you smell funky). I like the intimacy of the Sunshine Theatre, though the location gives me the creeps a bit. Downtown is a little weird. However, whilst standing in line, I made many friends, including the contact person for UNM's Executive MBA program. Yep, that's my big secret these days, but let's go ahead a blow the whistle-- I may break down and get the MBA. I've fought the call for years, but now I'm actually looking into it. But that is for another post. Why, oh why, can't I get away from being boring and responsible? Whatever.
Whilst writing, I accidentally deleted a video clip from the concert, and now I can't get it to post. I'll try again later. When I do get it posted, I don't expect you to watch all of it because it's choppy, the sound quality is horrible, and it'll make you a little sea-sick in a "Moulin Rouge" sort of way (only I'm not Baz and it was unintentional). It is funny about mid-song when you can hear the guys behind me singing very enthusiastically. You also get a nice look at Moz whipping the mic cord around. It reminded me of 1980s ribbon dancing. Anyway, how's that incentive for checking back in with me?
On the whole, it was a really good show. I was disappointed that he didn't play my personal Smiths favorites, "Half a Person" and "Please, Please, Please, Let me get what I Want." Also, he scootched himself right back to his tour bus so I couldn't go beg him to autograph "New York Doll," though the El Paso boys said they were having drinks with Mo's guitarist afterwards (apparently Boz is producing their album) and they thought that might console me. I didn't go. Not only does going to a Morrissey concert actually MESS with your street cred, I'm still too nerdy (and maybe cautious and smart) to go play groupie to a second fiddle with a bunch of strangers, as good bodyguards as they were.
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