Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I Smell Like Chlorine

OK, I'll admit it. Sometimes, particularly on Tuesdays, I roll out of bed and say my prayers. I brush my teeth and throw on some clothes. I do a haphazard job with the makeup, gather the trash and roll the dumpster out to the street. The observant among you will notice no mention of a shower in that description, and that's because sometimes, I don't bother. Mostly on Tuesdays.
And you know what? You don't have to judge. I got home hours later last night than I should have. I didn't sleep well and also woke up sad. My brother called me fifteen minutes before I got to work to ask about some paperwork. Working at 6:30 a.m. is a drag. I'd really just gotten up. I told him I'd call him in ten minutes. I made my bed, because I can't leave it undone, but I didn't shower. My hair is craptacular today, and I'm not 100 percent sure where I left my watch last night. I think it's in my purse, but it might be floating around in the Brown's backyard, like my red shoe was after the Independence Day dance. I notice my skin hurts.
A few minutes ago, I looked over today's to-do list, and buried my face in my hands. That's when I noticed the pungent aroma of chlorine, and remembered I didn't take a shower last night or this morning, and I still have "essence of hot tub" lingering around me like an aquamarine aura. This would not be so bad, except I thought it would be funny to text all the party-goers last night to tell them about that recent msn article asserting 20% of all adults admit to urinating in pools. Yuck and yuck.


At July 21, 2009 at 8:20 AM , Blogger Grant said...

Luckily the chlorine will overpower the other smells you have alluded to in this post.

Frankly I don't understand being awake and not having showered. Ashley likes to shower after her workout. Well if she gets busy and never gets around to her workout...guess what? Unacceptable. Amazingly, she doesn't seem capable of stinking. At least not without the work out...so I guess it all makes sense.

At July 21, 2009 at 11:11 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

ease up, Rach. It ain't no thang. I go without showers all the time. No big deal.

and what the hell is going on in the insulation biz at 6:30 a.m.?


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