Thursday, July 16, 2009

Not the worst I've had

And now, the latest episode of "Rachel Goes Out with Ridiculous Men."
The setting: New Mexico, USA. Summer. 107 degrees in the middle of the day, so a person stays in to avoid expiration (not to mention perspiration). After a long day of running after a very rowdy 18-month-old, your heroine would have preferred to stay home and watch "Harold and Maude." But no such luck.
Last night I played Cinderella for a while, cleaning the house and trying to get things in order for my friend Jen's visit. There's still plenty to do, of course, but I'll have a few hours after work to finish the floors, sweep the porches, and pull/spray weeds. I guess I should also hit the grocery store so dearest Jen will have something to eat. Anyway, these are all things I could have finished last night, were it not for my "date" with this really ____ little dude. I'm going to probably have to leave adjectives out for a while. I'm still trying to avoid being overly critical, but it comes in baby steps.
Here are some of the highlights from the evening:
* He called me on my way over to the meeting point. We'd just spoken ten minutes before, and I told him it would take fifteen for me to arrive. He said, "Well, I just got here, and I've been on the phone, so I thought maybe you would have tried to call me." But why would I have done that?
* I found him sitting at a very dirty table in a gas station/fast food joint. His glasses were thrown haphazardly on the table, amongst his beverage lid, straw wrapper, and a hard-to-miss encrusted ketchup mound. When he got up to order a couple of milkshakes, he was just going to leave his trash on the table., but took it from me when I picked it up and made for the garbage can.
* We moved to another table near a window. I sat on the bench in front of the window, and he spent the rest of our conversation looking at his reflection behind me. During this portion of the evening, he told me that he hates New Mexico for its dating scene. I think his words were, "There is absolutely no one I'm attracted to." You might think I'd be offended, but I found the statement comforting. He then asked me about what he assumed was my own lackluster dating life, but seemed disappointed to find out not only that I have actually been seeing a fella or two, but also that two other boys had asked me out for that very night. Now, normally I don't go around divulging my other social activities whilst on a date, but if you haven't already gotten the picture, this young man is not my knight-in-shining-armor. While I appreciate his time and money and interest, I do not return his interest, nor do I wish to inconvenience him further. Which is also why...
* I let it slip that one of his personal heroes and I had a chat, and we've already picked out a bride for this young man. Frankly, I'm not too invested in the match... so long as it isn't me, I'm quite content. However, invoking the sacred name of this local superstar was enough to convince my date of his course of action-- that while he'd told me he was no longer interested in the girl I suggested, when I mentioned I merely concurred with his hero's suggestion, he committed to asking the girl out within 24 hours. If only all problems were so easily solved.
All in all, it wasn't a terrible 45 minutes (is that a record or what?), but I guess I'd been hoping the man to fill the #98 slot would have been a touch more... I don't know. Acceptable, perhaps. Oh well. Bring on #99.


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