Tuesday, February 16, 2010

SnuggleBunny, My Hunky Cheese Boy, and a Quick Post-Valentine Quiz

Sometimes I wish I'd gone the way of my anonymous friends Calvin and Jake of MBP-- I have so many grand stories to tell, but now that I know of my extra blog stalkers (I'm talking to you, J.F.), I feel like I have to be more careful about what I say. Plus also, in my old age, I am torn between wanting to keep my relationships to myself, and also wanting to shout success from the rooftops. I'm looking for a happy medium, so we'll see how this goes. The problem is, most of you readers are just too smart and know what's going on with whom, and that just takes all the fun out of things. So here's the compromise-- I've decided to create a little quiz to give some insight to my Valentine Weekend. We'll see who gets the most answers correct. Post your response in my comment section, OK? Note: While many events described in the following questions are real scenarios, there are some that are made up, and others that do not necessarily apply to this weekend. Do not get tripped up!

Section I: True or False

1. The best Valentine's Day Rachel ever had was when Eric and Eric had her over to watch PeeWee's Big Adventure and dance to Sexy Rexy singing "Lady in Red."
2. Rachel received scandalous underwear from a boy.
3. Rachel received flowers for Valentine's Day.
4. Rachel had a romantic Valentine's Day picnic with her beloved.
5. Rachel was in charge of a church dance where she danced scandalously with a boy she kissed scandalously on a different holiday.
6. Rachel held hands with a boy in the Celestial Room of the temple.
7. Rachel adopted a child.
8. Rachel's bum got touched a lot.
9. Rachel held hands with two different boys.
10. Rachel held hands with two different boys at the same time.
11. Rachel has a hot date this coming weekend.

Section II. Matching (Note: Names of boys may be the correct answer to one question, multiple questions, or not at all)

1. The man who Rachel has regular kissing dreams about.
2. Kissed Rachel this weekend.
3. Tried "sexting" Rachel this weekend.
4. Regularly defends Rachel's honor.
5. Pure in heart.
6. The one Rachel made up with in the last week.
7. The one Rachel will make out with in March.
8. Rachel's platonic ideal.
9. The one Rachel should marry.
10. The one Rachel would have the best looking children with.
11. The one Rachel would have the most children with.
12. The "one that got away."
13. The one with a pre-arranged wedding date.
14. The one Rachel likes best.
15. The one Rachel SHOULD like best.

Possible answers:
a. Eric
b. Steve
c. Andrew
d. Rudy
e. Clay
f. Michael
g. Anthony
h. Jacob (Hatch)
i. Jacob (Dial)
j. Clinton
k. Nathan
l. Josh
m. Other (please specify)_____________

There you go, friends. Have fun, and I'll let you know who gets the most answers right in a day or two.


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