Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The devil will find work for idle hands to do

Well, friends, I'm pretty sure by now you all know the decision has been made--I'm moving back to NM. It all happened rather suddenly. I went to the movies with my friend on Friday, and then was piddling around looking for something to do. I called my mum and asked for a suggestion. She said, "Well, why don't you go look for apartments?" And I said, "You know what? I don't think I want to. I think I should come home." And just like that, the decision was made, and I finally had some peace in my life. I still kind of think that stay or go, I would have been ok, but it was something I had to make my own mind up on. Awkward sentence, but you know what I meant.

So Monday I turned in my notice at work and things are moving along at full speed. I've got a mighty bit of packing to do, but I'm trying to keep my home together for as long as possible. I'm having a few pals over this evening, and I'd like it to still look like my apartment, you know? I want people to remember the cute place, not the boxed-up one.

The only other noteworthy thing I should mention is how much I enjoy hanging out with Chevron. It'll be a little sad to not see him when I move, but were having a grand time now. I very much enjoy kissing him. He has the best looking mouth I've ever seen. Ahh. I'd like to buy the world a Coke and rather than wish for world peace, I'd wish everyone the opportunity to frequently kiss someone so interesting, kind, and HOT.

The end for now.


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