Monday, October 29, 2007

Kicking against the pricks on the party circuit

I'm pooped. I don't know if I can have another party for a while. The weekend was fun, but I came home from church yesterday and slept for three hours. Then I woke up and read for a while and slept for another who knows how long. Eight hours, I think. It felt excessive, considering I averaged about five hours per night all last week. It's only almost 10, and I need a nap again.
Anyway, the party was good. A smashing success? Hard to say. It was eventful, though. Highlights include a surprise appearance by my secret crush, a promising ring ceremony, surprises with toilet paper (I put these little music boxes in the TP rolls in my guest bathroom and the powder room-- one played "Dixie" and the other played "God Bless America"), a middle-of-the-night heart-to-heart, my cousin dressed up as and distributing Push Pops, and me getting stressed out enough at one point to go hide in my pantry in the garage. The hide-out wasn't so fun, but it's amazing what kind of clarity one can have, standing in the dark, dressed up as Alice. I'm cutting some people out of my life-- namely the pantry-fleeing inducer, the social user, and one gentleman we'll refer to simply as "Right Said Fred." Yeah, I feel better already.


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