I think I'm meant to be a perpetual blusher
First and foremost, I'd like to point out that I'm RE-reading "Knocked Out by my Nunga-Nungas." It was a gift from Sean, and one of my favorite books. Read it. Very good for a laugh, and good to increase the slanguage vocab. That Georgia Nicolson is full of "wisdomosity" for a 14-year old.
I could certainly use a little wisdomosity these days, or better yet, smooth-osity. Suave-osity? Not putting my foot in my mouth or encountering various embarrassing situations-osity? Yep, it's been a rough couple of days, but you know me... I'm a survivor (thank you, Destiny's Child). I may have to spend a few days under a rock or whatsit, but I'll bounce back.
The weddings this weekend were so lovely, as was the baby shower. It brought me a good dose of happiness to share these happy moments with good friends. Doesn't it just make you feel awesome when you see wonderful things happen to and for the people you love? My heart is full even if my head is a little empty.
I'm also happy to officially announce I'll soon be in the land of Sokphal and Marks & Spencer... I'm off to jolly-old England mid-October. SP and I have decided on Espana, and more importantly, on stalking David Beckham at a football game. I can't wait to experience the mania!
Also, SP brought me my most joyous moment of my day when she called me and had her friend "Polski Dave" give me a little shout out in the mother language. Dawid has a very nice accent, and it was great speaking to a real Pole... I met an American kid at church last night who speaks Polish and knew some of my good friends w Lublina, but it's just not the same as hearing a native speak. I only wish I could carry on a real conversation! I guess I'll have to settle for all those drinking songs I know.
The friend situation continues to develop, thank heavens. There are quite a few nicies at church. I hope they'll include me in the social life, because it's pretty sparse in Sunny Los. Did I mention that the funny little brothers had me round last night? The evening was quite profitable. I learned how to tie a bowtie, I threw a bullseye during a round of darts, and was quizzed on GRE-level vocabulary words. I performed dismally, but at least when you start at the lowest level you have no where to go but up, right?
Um, that is all. This is just rambling, but thanks for reading. That little bean-counter under the blog manager really makes me feel like people care. Cheers.
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