Saturday, December 9, 2006

The start of something new

Tonight my feet hurt, and my eyes keep blinking more and more slowly. I'm sleepy, but I'm happy. I don't know that I'll ever feel all is right in the world, but I love that most days I feel pretty good about life anyway.
I've been thinking that since I moved from Utah to New Mexico, I've given up my peace but I saved my soul. It's a decision I'm happy with.
Oh, and we had our choir's Christmas Concert tonight. It was fun... helped put me in a Christmas-y mood, and I like that. I did have a little slip-up on my narration. I was in the middle of reading and was blinded by the smile of a really handsome man. It took me off guard and I lost my place. It was fantastic. I like people who make me lose my composure a bit. Maybe my sabbatical isn't going to last so long after all. Ahh. I like the idea of trading up. This is good, even if it only happens in my head for now.


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