Thursday, June 3, 2010

Vegetarianism, Day 3 of 30

In answer to Louise's text query (sorry Lou! I got distracted last night), I'm not nearly as grumpy today. Good thing, because no one would want to be around me for the next 27 days were the trend to continue!
Last night my mood greatly improved after I went to the gym and came home to watch a nice foreign film whilst crocheting a baby blanket for a certain Ellie Mae (sorry T, if I messed up the spelling!). So even though the kiddos were a complete chore yesterday and things kept cropping up to hinder my zen path, I think the key to happiness is not meat but possibly craft projects and working out. It's a winning combination so far.
I'm actually not hungry at all at the moment-- just sleepy. I'm learning that if I'm going to make my 530 workout (which I did this morning, thank you very much-- have only missed going to the gym while out of town since I re-enrolled a few weeks back), I simply must go to sleep early. Had an interesting conversation last night that only lasted 15 minutes, but the aftermath left me up and pondering past 1030, and it made getting up a little tough. My cute orange hoodie made it easier though (why, oh, why are workout clothes and my body not friends? I guess that's the thing-- gotta keep going to the gym if they are to come to better terms, but in the meantime I'm just glad that there's not much of a morning rush, as this isn't January).
Oh, but you wanted to know about the v-word, right? Hmm. There's really not that much to tell. Fiber One bar for breakfast, cheddar cheese and banana for lunch. See what I mean? I'm just not hungry today at all. Oh wait. I did have a midmorning snack--animal crackers. Hope that wasn't a no-no. Hahaha! Dinner is away from home this evening, so I hope that I can get veggie-licious with the salad (the only thing on the menu friendly to my month's plan). Must. Go. Grocery. Shopping.
You know what else I'm craving? Getting out of the blasted office! I know I should be grateful for the short work week, but my mind is just elsewhere these days-- no place in particular, just not with me. My fingers keep twitching. Getting myself to do simple tasks is just a monumental struggle this week. I don't know where else I even want to be, but 5 p.m. can't come soon enough. Shall I blame it on the vegetables?


At June 3, 2010 at 8:24 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Glad to here things are getting easier and you aren't so grumpy! =) Oh! and you spelt her name right!


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