Monday, August 2, 2010

A Comedy of Errors-- Otherwise Known as My Life

So one of my distant cousins is getting married this month. I planned to go. I invited my aunt to come along, but she couldn't make it. My dad offered to go, but then decided my mother should come with me because she's the actual blood relative. My sister shilly-shallied about whether she could make it or not (technically, she's never committed one way or the other, but I figured I'd just book the flights without her and she could join up later if she decided to ever you-know-what or get off the pot). But today, my mom said, "Oh, maybe we should just go to Wisconsin some other time." Since the bride needed an accurate head count for the caterers, I sent her a facebook message telling her we couldn't make it (there were actually logistical reasons for our regrets-- not just because we suddenly decided to not go). But then my dad gave my mom a guilt trip, so she said she would. I told her I already felt like a nincompoop telling cousin Chelsea I'd make it, but then backing out, so I didn't want to change our minds again. Then I realized I'd been looking at the wrong date anyway. The long and the short of it is I won't be seeing Milwaukee anytime soon. Boo!
But the mishaps don't end there. I'm always getting in a pickle when it comes to communication in general. In the case of my family, it wasn't quite enough solid information being passed back and forth. Yesterday, I got myself in a mire because of too much communication. My friend Rudy is in charge of FHE, and I sent him a text to find out what was going down for this week's activity. It wasn't mere curiosity that motivated my call-- oh, no! I planned to invite a friend to come along, and wanted to be able to impart accurate information during a later phone call. Rudy, unfortunately, was sick, and had yet to plan an activity. My automatic (and sincere) response to hearing he was under the weather?? "Oh, is there anything you need?" What can I say? It's the Relief Society President in me. He texted back, "no, I'm ok." That would have been fine, but another text came in moments later reading, "Could you plan FHE?" And what could I say but yes, because I'd dug that pit myself. Well, no bother, I thought. I'll just have my friend help me with the activity. But guess who has to work tonight? If you guessed me, you're actually wrong (though I should be), but if you had the foresight to understand how ironic my life is, you'd guess the boy I invited. Boo again!
Of course, not all my life is this back-and-forth of confusion. Some of it is just plain funny. My favorite quotation this weekend: Daniella saying, "Can I just judge righteously for a moment?" It was fantastic! Maybe that should be my new catch-phrase. Love ya, D!
Anyway, I'm off to try to come up with a good activity. I hope I wasn't supposed to provide refreshments. Oh no! It's just a matter of time before all the FHE kids start judging ME (righteously, of course).


At August 5, 2010 at 9:24 AM , Blogger Tamsin said...

And I righteously judge that you have a great little blog. So glad I found it, little Rachel-face! :)


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