Monday, July 19, 2010

The Grenade that Didn't Go Off

So the weekend was just a drill, I suppose.
Ex-boyfriend did not show up.
Mr. Handsome also didn't show up.
All that preparation for nothing?
Still, there was good news.
An E. Coli outbreak in Socorro. Which meant no one could drink the tap water. Which meant there was a lot of bottled water happening. Which meant I walked around all day Saturday carrying a giant black trash bag and collecting people's plastic. Oh, recycling, how I love you! And it doesn't hurt that I was able to make about 95 flowers out of all my plastic, expediting Ashley's birthday present of a flowered salon mirror like the one over my mantle. I've got to break out the spray paint tonight. I'll take sore trigger finger (from the paint and the glue-gun) over emotional explosion any day.


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