Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Grave Robbing

This morning cousin and I went to Bonaventure Cemetary. I'm currently reading "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" to give me a little taste of Savannah, and because there's "Bird Girl" merchendise everywhere I go, and I figured I ought to read the book. Anyway, we went to the cemetary, and it was beautiful. I've decided there ought to be a Sego Family Mausoleum somewhere, but Los Lunas doesn't have a cemetary. So sad.Cousin took the liberty of bringing some dead person's Easter Lilly home with us. It's in the window of his beautiful house, specifically in the bedroom. I'm hoping nothing comes to haunt me this evening, seeking revenge while my cousin sleeps peacefully in the carriage house out back.It's days like these I wish I were a rich Southern woman. Or a rich woman of means from any region, so I could just go and do whatever I wanted, as far as shopping and eating out and activities were concerned. I'm working on it. This afternoon cousin and I went to a bar at the American Legion. I was hoping some geezer would offer to buy my Shirley Temple, but no such luck. Still, tomorrow IS ladies' night...


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