Thursday, April 19, 2007

Waving the White Flag

OK. I surrender. I give up.
I'm not in control. Well, I'm in control of a lot of things, but there are some things I can't handle or force. I hate that! My life would be much simpler if I could just wave my hand and say, "This is how situation x will turn out." And poof!
But there's no poofing. Just tossing and turning. And some whining, which I'm stopping. Because there's no point in whining. It won't help. Neither will pouting. Neither will some master plan. There are just some things that have to turn out the way they'll turn out in the time they are supposed to take place.
I'm finding contentment in acceptance. Or, I hope I will. I just decided this morning, so I guess the test will come over the next few days. Wish me luck, because that's all that's going to help me.


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