Friday, May 4, 2007


The word of the day for May 2, 2007:
termagant-- a scolding, nagging, bad-tempered woman; a shrew
I know one. I hope I'm not one.
Last night I was on the phone with one of my very good friends, and he was telling me about his experience with said termagant. First, she told my friend that he ought not pursue a girl he's been digging because he's not worthy of the girl and he'd hinder the object of desire's spritual progress. Next, she apparently started dogging me for my so-called immodest clothes (sue me, there were holes in my jeans!).
You know, people like that bug me more than a little bit. I'm pretty sure that my friend is a great guy and the girl he likes (who, by the way, likes him back) will be thrilled when things finally come together for them. As for their spiritual growth, 1) it's not termagant's business and 2) she's completely wrong. What a crap thing to say to someone!
And I don't know if it's that I'm loyal to a fault or that my defenses are up because she was being rude about the way I dress (truthfully, I'm sure it's both), but I do know that people who have all the time in the world to talk smack about and to others need a real hobby.


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