Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A few minutes of brutal honesty

No one likes a Debbie Downer, but I have to do some confessing, or I might just go crazy.
I'm sad/mad/exhausted with life today. Here are some of the reasons why:
* Pay cut= do more work with less appreciation and more criticism for less money. I really hate that. Say goodbye to vacation plans, say goodbye to anything fun. Paying bills is gonna be a challenge. I guess I should just be happy I have a job, but I positively hate it at this precise moment (10:51 a.m., Mountain Daylight Time).
* My crazy body= It hurts all the time, but not in a good way that comes from working out, because I haven't slept well in weeks, and I haven't gone to the gym since last Wednesday. I'm making myself go tonight. My skin is terrible, and I look awful in my clothes. I am tempted to shave my head because my hair is just a disaster. And because I can't afford to go anywhere, it really wouldn't matter if I were bald.
* My family thinking I'm a failure for not being married. Pretty self-explanatory. I'm ok with being single, but it would be much easier if my family didn't talk about it ALL the time.
Can I just crawl into a hole for a little bit until this all blows over?


At June 23, 2010 at 10:06 AM , Blogger Terry and Meilea said...

Sure!! I have been diggin a rather big one!! plenty of room to share.
Hope it gets better.We miss ya like crazy!!!

At June 23, 2010 at 11:10 AM , Blogger said...

this too shall pass... meanwhile try to create some beautiful moments for yourself and forget everyone else

At June 23, 2010 at 5:09 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

yuck for pay cuts!!!! I am sorry!!! How are your toesies? I know that you just said you have a pay cut and paying bills is going to be harder...but I am contemplating going to the nail salon to get my nails done tomorrow afternoon/morning/if I find time and thought hey! maybe rachel needs a relaxation break! =) Wish I could do hair cause I would do yours for you!!! I have a friend who works at Cabo salon who, if you mention that I sent you, would give you a discount....but I am not sure how big of one....she is an amazing hair dresser and love that I can just tell her, "Cathi, do something pretty with it cause I am frustrated!!! i just need help!" and she is basically a magician!!! Any ways I am just trying to tell you that I love ya and hope all will be better! don't forget to Bubble bath tonight!! =) love ya, mean it!


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